- That culture is something essential and is linked to people’s daily lives
- That dialogue is the bridge that makes us share and understand differences
- That differences are also elements of construction
- That there is no superiority in any type of culture
- That art is the expression of the soul and its overflow
- That spirit means creative energy – pure – and we all possess it
- That every place can be a physical or geographical space to express oneself creatively
- That every encounter enriches us and develops potentialities
- That we must always be networked to accomplish
- That knowledge must be shared in order to be multiplied
- That we must collaborate with each other and be open to learning
- That talent does not mean arrogance
- That if everyone does a little, great things can be accomplished
- That the Earth is our home and deserves all our respect
- That we should be sustainable by exchanging our possibilities and riches
- That we must understand finitude as an element of connection with the present
- That we must be ethical and exercise our otherness
- That history is what we build every day
- That time is fast but life can be full
- That we are always in transit, building memory
- That existence is made here and now
- In everything that is done it is necessary to imply love and persistence – because everything is process and these are the fundamental elements in existing.
++ FR/PT >>