The Espirito Mundo Association has in its constitution as principles and objectives the collaboration with awareness and mobilization movements linked to environmental and human rights causes. It has systematically participated in events to denounce the problems of the original peoples in Latin America, with a focus on the Amerindian peoples. Its director Aline Yasmin is part of the Amazonia Forest Peoples Alliance in Europe and often speaks in their favor.
It has systematically participated in demonstrations organized in partnership with Rise for Climate Belgium to denounce the problems of the original peoples in Latin America, with a focus on Amerindian peoples. Its director Aline Yasmin is a member of the Forest Peoples Alliance in Europe and often speaks in its favor.
On 11/11, she joined an entourage of Amazonian leaders (Thaline Karajá, Val Mundurucu, Huni Kuin,…) who came from COP26 in Scotland and met in front of the European Parliament with the participation of several deputies such as Marisa Matias and Miguel Urban (The Left) who support the indigenous cause and fight against the Mercosur agreement, a threat to traditional peoples and forests of the countries involved.
The initiative and organization of the delegation at the international level was taken by the Parisian association Jiboiana, whose members are directly involved in several projects in Amazon.
The manifestation also has a cultural character with the music of the “baque de chuva” and the ritualistic dance of the snake around the Luxembourg square.

Traité UE-Mercosur : une centaine de personnes ont manifesté à Bruxelles
Une centaine de personnes se sont rassemblées jeudi dès 12 heures sur la place du Luxembourg à Bruxelles pour protester contre la ratification d’un traité de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne et le Mercosur (communauté économique rassemblant l’Argentine, le Brésil, le Paraguay, l’Uruguay et le Venezuela). La manifestation s’est tenue en présence, notamment, de représentants de peuples autochtones d’Amazonie, dont le traité menace l’habitat, et de cinq députés européens opposés au projet.