EN//The association “ESPIRITO MUNDO Asbl” develops projects on a voluntary basis. The projects are non-profit and have the goal of creating intercultural relations through the various universes. The events are usually free of charge, with conceptual and artistic value and no commercial purpose.
In addition, the association is engaged with the environment and human rights, and its members actively participate in mobilization projects for the traditional peoples of Brazil, especially the Forests.
These are non-profit actions that participate in the construction of a more humanistic society.
If you are interested in being a partner of our association and helping us to produce events that are open to the local community and of socio-cultural interest, your collaboration will be very precious. With it, we can dedicate ourselves to funding the events and our creative space in Brussels, our capital city, in order to better welcome our partners, be they artists, thinkers, and creatives from all sectors, from all over the world.
The donation can be in any amount you wish. We greatly appreciate any possible support.
Account holder : ESPIRITO MUNDO ASBL
Name of the bank : ING
Full account number : IBAN: BE51 3631 8007 3062
++FR/NL >>